Monday, May 9, 2011

First "Bump" Picture!

Here's my pre-bump picture at 4 weeks pregnant:

Here is my tiny beginning of a bump at 13.5 weeks:

I'm so excited to be a mom to this little one! At 13 weeks, our baby is about the size of a peach (2.9 inches) and only weighs about .81 ounces. He or she is getting closer to normal proportions, with his or her head only being 1/3 the size of his or her body. He or she is developing teeth and vocal chords right now. I haven't gained any weight yet, which is amazing considering my belly is starting to poke out. We have our next doctor's appointment on the 25th, but before then I'll update again about how I've been feeling so far and how our first doctor's appointment went!

1 comment:

  1. I like how you're already leaning back in the 14 wk pic haha!!
